Australian PM's visit to Vietnam provides momentum to bilateral relations

Viet Nga, VOV reporter in Australia
Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) -At the invitation of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will pay an official visit to Vietnam this weekend. This will be Albanese’s first official visit to Vietnam as Prime Minister of Australia.
Australian PM's visit to Vietnam provides momentum to bilateral relations - ảnh 1Vietnamese Ambassador to Australia Nguyen Tat Thanh. (Photo: VOV)

Talking to the Voice of Vietnam resident reporter, Vietnamese Ambassador to Australia Nguyen Tat Thanh said the visit not only tightens ties between the two countries' leaders but also opens up many opportunities for stronger development of bilateral ties.

This year, Vietnam and Australia are celebrating 50 years of their diplomatic relations (February 26) and five years of strategic partnership (March 15).

Prime Minister Albanese's upcoming visit will be of great significance, creating the basis for a closer partnership both bilaterally and multilaterally and strengthening personal relations between senior leaders of Vietnam and Australia.

Ambassador Thanh said that during the meeting between the two Prime Ministers, a new direction for bilateral and multilateral cooperation will be determined.

The two countries will prioritize cooperation in mutually beneficial and complementary fields, such as climate change response, digital transformation, green development, clean energy, sustainable supply chains, and coordination in the Mekong sub-region, the ASEAN, as well as other regional and global forums.

The Ambassador emphasized that the Australian Prime Minister's visit will create breakthroughs in economic relations, deepening and elevating multilateral cooperation, including trilateral cooperation, protecting freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea in accordance with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), making positive contributions to peace, cooperation and development in the region.
