Assad vows to honor Syrian ceasefire

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(VOVworld) – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad vowed to do his part to guarantee the success of the ceasefire that is still holding on its fourth day.
(VOVworld) – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad vowed to do his part to guarantee the success of the ceasefire that is still holding on its fourth day. Assad said the truce provides a "glimmer of hope" for Syria, where more than 270,000 people have been killed since the conflict erupted.
He said the Syrian government has refrained from retaliating in order to give the agreement a chance to survive, adding that everything has a limit and it all depends on the other side. Assad offered amnesty to opposition fighters who agree to disarm. 

World powers hope the ceasefire will bring an end to the Syrian conflict. The next round of peace talks is planned for March 9th in Geneva.

Assad vows to honor Syrian ceasefire - ảnh 1
World powers hope the ceasefire will bring an end to the Syrian conflict. (Photo: AP)

The US State Department says there has been no significant violation in the last 24 hours. State Department spokesman John Kirby told a daily press briefing that there has been a notable reduction in violence in Syria but it is a very fluid environment and the US is going to keep monitoring as closely as it can.
