Anti and support-migrant rallies held in Europe and around the globe

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(VOVworld) - Tens of thousands of people have taken part in a "day of action" in several European cities in support of refugees and migrants.
(VOVworld) - Tens of thousands of people have taken part in a "day of action" in several European cities in support of refugees and migrants. There have also been counter-demonstrations in some countries. The International Organization for Migration said Friday over 430,000 migrants and refugees had crossed the Mediterranean to Europe so far in 2015, with 2,748 dying or going missing en route.

Anti and support-migrant rallies held in Europe and around the globe - ảnh 1
Pro-refugee marchers rallied at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin.

Rallies against welcoming more refugees and migrants took place in some eastern European countries. About 5,000 people chanting anti-Islamic slogans marched in the Polish capital Warsaw, while a nearby counter-demonstration drew about 1,000 people. Another anti-migrant rally attended by about 1,500 people took place in the Slovak capital Bratislava. In London, tens of thousands of people, some carrying placards that read "Open the Borders" and "Refugees In" marched towards the prime ministerial residence in Downing Street. There were similar demonstrations in other UK cities. The British government has said it will take up to 20,000 refugees over five years, but from camps in the Middle East rather than people arriving in Europe. Other rallies were also held in Spain.

In a related development, Canada’s International Development Minister Christian Paradis announced a Syrian emergency relief fund that will match donations from Canadians up to $100 million. The fund will assist conflict-affected people in Syria and neighboring countries. Paradis told reporters the fund will be used to provide basic needs such as food, clothing and healthcare.
