American veterans and relatives visit Vietnam

Chia sẻ

(VOVworld) - Secretary-General of the Vietnam-USA Society (VUS) Bui Van Nghi met this week with a delegation of visiting American veterans and their relatives. At a meeting in Hanoi on March 28, Nghi said Vietnam invites the veterans and their relatives to visit and learn about Vietnam so as to strengthen the friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

(VOVworld) - Secretary-General of the Vietnam-USA Society (VUS) Bui Van Nghi met this week with a delegation of visiting American veterans and their relatives. At a meeting in Hanoi on March 28, Nghi said Vietnam invites the veterans and their relatives to visit and learn about Vietnam so as to strengthen the friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

American veterans and relatives visit Vietnam - ảnh 1
Paul Reed in Kon Tum battlefield

Paul Reed, head of the American delegation, said the aim of the visit is to learn firsthand about Vietnam, its relations with the US, and the aftermath of the war in Vietnam. During their visit from March 25-April 6, the American veterans plan to meet with Vietnamese veterans and Agent Orange/dioxin victims and return wartime items to Vietnamese agencies.
