Acting President receives foreign ambassadors presenting credentials

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(VOVWORLD) - Acting President Vo Thi Anh Xuan on Wednesday received Ambassadors of Armenia, New Zealand, Turkey and Peru who came to present their credentials to begin their missions in Viet Nam.

Acting President receives foreign ambassadors presenting credentials - ảnh 1Armenian Ambassador Suren Bagh DasaryAn presents his credentials to Acting President Vo Thi Anh Xuan. (Photo: VOV)

Receiving Ambassador of Armenia Suren Bagh DasaryAn, Acting President Xuan said that relations between the two countries have flourished, especially last year, the bilateral trade turnover increased 500% compared to 2022, reaching over 300 million USD.

She expressed her hope that both sides will promote the existing cooperation mechanisms such as Vietnam-Eurasian Economic Union Free Trade Agreement and Intergovernmental Committee. Xuan stressed the need to consider the possibility of negotiating and signing a new cooperation framework.

Acting President receives foreign ambassadors presenting credentials - ảnh 2New Zealand Ambassador Caroline Rachel Beres Ford presents her credentials. (Photo: VOV)

Talking to New Zealand Ambassador Caroline Rachel Beres Ford, the Acting President emphasized that the two sides need to actively deploy existing cooperation mechanisms, especially the Strategic Partnership Action Program for 2021-2024 to unlock the potential for cooperation in agriculture, education, climate change response, digital economy, green economy, energy conversion and people-to-people exchanges.

Acting President receives foreign ambassadors presenting credentials - ảnh 3Acting President Vo Thi Anh Xuan receives Turkish Ambassador Kor Han Kemik. (Photo: VOV)

Meeting Turkish Ambassador Kor Han Kemik, Acting President Xuan affirmed that Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh's official visit to Turkey last November contributed to opening a new chapter in relations between the two countries. She suggested that the two sides push the upgrade of Vietnam- Turkey relations to comprehensive partnership. She also said she is looking forward to welcoming the President of Turkey to visit Vietnam.

The Acting President proposed that the two sides study the possibility of negotiating a bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA) to promote economic cooperation and soon achieve the target of 4 billion USD in bilateral trade as agreed by the two countries’ leaders.

Acting President receives foreign ambassadors presenting credentials - ảnh 4Peruvian Ambassador Patricia Yolanda Raez Porto Carr Rero presents her credentials. (Photo: VOV)

Receiving Peruvian Ambassador Patricia Yolanda Raez Porto Carr Rero, Acting President Xuan said she hopes that the two sides will coordinate to successfully organize activities to celebrate the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2024 and carefully prepare for the Vietnamese President’s visit to Peru and attendance of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Peru in November.
