Art program “Strong and rich from the national sea” to take place in Khanh Hoa

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - A special art program entitled “Strong and rich from the national sea” will be held at Nha Trang military port in Khanh Hoa province on Saturday evening. The program is co‑organized by the Voice of Vietnam, the Party Central Committee’s Communication and Education Commission, the General Politics Department of the Vietnam People’s Army, and Khanh Hoa province.

The Steering Committee and Organizing Board of the program convene at VOV's headquarters in Hanoi to orchestrate the upcoming activities.

VOV President Do Tien Sy says the program aims to foster a profound sense of national pride, fortify the determination to safeguard sovereignty of national seas and islands, and enhance public awareness about the preservation and advancement of Vietnam's maritime domains.

The VOV orchestra prepares for the program.

According to music director and songwriter Doan Nguyen, the music of the program is a fusion of rock, symphony, and chamber music.

The line-up of artists includes rock band The Wall, diva Ha Tran, boy group MTV, singers Dong Nhi, Dong Hung, and rapper Phong Windy.

Opening the program will be three songs about Vietnam’s sea and islands, performed by Dong Nhi, Ha Tran, Phong Windy, and the orchestra.

The stage for the performance is ready.

The stage will feature a wharf surrounded by naval, coast guard, and border guard vessels.

The program includes 1,500 performers who staff the navy, border guard, and coast guard, and fishermen, and students from Khanh Hoa province.

The Yet Kieu ship plays an integral role in the program.
