Summer fruit pudding

Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - If you are going to make a simple pudding this summer, it has to be a classic English summer pudding, packed with juicy summer berries. It’s a simple yet tasty dish, perfect for a hot summer day.

A: Welcome to “Food Delight,” with culinary tips to liven up your menu.

B: Summer is  here. And I think for those hot days, a piece of sweet pie is sure to be a refreshing addition to  your menu. 

A: Indeed. And lucky for us, today we have Callum Bacon, a young English food lover, who will instruct us on how to make a delicious fruit pie.

B: Awesome! What do I need to prepare?

A: About 300g of strawberries, some blackberries, redcurrant, and about 500g of raspberries. Don’t forget some bread, square, medium-cut loaf, and sugar.

B: That fruit is not difficult to find in Vietnam. So how do we make the pie?

A: Callum will tell us the first step.

Callum: Wash the fruit and place it all, except the strawberries, in a large pan with the sugar and some water. Gently heat for 3 minutes until the juice from the fruit starts to seep out. Then add the strawberries and cook for 2 minutes more. Drain the juice from the fruit through a sieve set over a large bowl. Taste the juice and add a little more sugar if necessary.

Summer fruit pudding - ảnh 1 Photo:

B: Sounds great. I have a real sweet tooth. What will we do with the bread, Callum?

Callum: Line a big pudding basin with a double layer of bread, leaving an overlap around the top. Remember to remove the crusts from the bread and slice the loaf into 1cm-thick slices along the length of the loaf. Cut 1 slice in half width-wise  and trim the corners to fit into the base of the bowl – you may need to use both squares, trimmed to fit. You will start with the bottom pieces with a round piece of bread, then lay rectangles of bread along the sides of the bowl. If you have any gaps left at the end, patch these up with any remaining pieces of bread, but make sure you save some for the base.

A: OK, so now we’re done with the basin. I’m getting hungry. Please tell us the next step, Callum.

Callum: Tip the fruit into the lined basin. Finish the pudding with a layer of bread to make a base, then pour over any remaining liquid. Place a small plate, which will fit snugly on top of the basin, over the cling film and put some weight on top of the plate. I usually use 2 cans of tomatoes or beans. Leave the pudding weighed down in the fridge for at least a couple of hours, or overnight if possible. To serve, unwrap the cling film and place a serving plate over the pudding. Flip it over, and remove the basin bowl. You can add some berries as a topping. And tadaaaa, it’s ready to be served.

Summer fruit pudding - ảnh 2Photo: The Spruce Eats 

B: Wow. I see. It’s so simple. What do you think?

A: It’s really easy to make, and I bet the color is beautiful. I will make it with some cream, and will enjoy this beautiful fruit pudding while watching my favorite TV show. So cool. Thank you very much, Callum.

B: We hope this will be a wonderful addition to your menu this summer. Please let us know if our recipes and tips work for you. Follow us on our Facebook Fanpage - VOV5 English Service - or email us at We always love hearing from you. Goodbye. 
