Bavette de boeuf - Beef flank

Viet Anh
Chia sẻ
(VOVworld) - There are some kinds of steak that need nothing more than a little pinch of salt, pepper, and butter to bring out their elegant flavor. Beef Flank steak is not an exception. Just carefully marinated, cooked quickly at a high heat, beef flank steak will absolutely melt in your mouth from the first bite and conquer even the hardest guest.
You are listening to Food Delight -The show for all food lovers out there.
A: Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of VOV 24/7’s“Food delight”. We are …. And …, and we are very happy to be here to share our recipes with you.
B: Bonjour, A. Bonjour, you guys. 
A: Oh come on, girl. You aren’t in a French program. You’re daydreaming, aren’t you?
B: Yep. I’m just suddenly thinking of spending my upcoming holiday in France, the most romantic country on Earth. How about a kiss underneath the Eiffel Tower, write my name on a padlock, ad lock it to the Pont Des Arts, and then throw away the key? Oh. I could dream that dream million times per day.
A: Uhm. Maybe everyone could be a great lover when they live in France. Anyway, I must confess that this country, with its elegant beauty, is one of the most desireable destinations and any couple in love should visit it at least once in their lifetime. 
B: Sure. But the definition of “beauty” will not seem complete without mentioning “French cuisine”, which is considered the most sophisticated in the world. 
A: I know that. Moreover, I also have good news for anyone who loves French food. Now you can treat yourself to a truly French flavor right here in Hanoi at Bistro Shop - 15A Ngo Van So Street. Mr. Geoffrey Claude, service and kitchen manager will introduce to us a dish called “Bavette de boeuf - Beef flank”, a stunning classical French recipe. 
B: That’s fantastic. I ate the dish twice, and can’t forget its flavor. The flank, which comes from the underside of the cow, is among the most flavorful cuts of beef. Just carefully marinated, cooked quickly at a high heat, beef flank steak will absolutely melt in your mouth from the first bite and conquer even the hardest guest. 
 Bavette de boeuf - Beef flank - ảnh 1
The flank, which comes from the underside of the cow, is among the most flavorful cuts of beef. Just carefully marinated, cooked quickly at a high heat, beef flank steak will absolutely melt in your mouth from the first bite and conquer even the hardest guest
(Source: Pinterest)
A: Oh. I’m so excited to know how to cook the dish. Let’s listen to Geoffrey: “So this dish is a very traditional France cuisine, from Paris. It is the kind of small size of tender loin. First is the bavette, for the meat, we need 120 to 150gr, and about 60gr of butter.  And shallots, let’s see, about 40gr for 4 persons, salt and pepper to taste. That’s it. This is a type of beef steak. We like it and we cook it with the butter directly. Uhm. You should cook it 2 minutes on each side. Of course if you like more cook, cook more. But classically, just 2 minutes each side.”
A: There are some kinds of steak that need nothing more than a little pinch of salt, pepper, and butter to bring out their elegant flavor. Beef Flank steak is not an exception, hah.
B: That’s so true. After just 2 minutes, a perfectly seared steak with a caramelized crust and a tender center comes out, just beautifully and attractively. 
A: But it’s not every thing. Let’s hear Geoffrey elaborating more about the sauce for this stunning steak. “The shallots, you should cut it very small. You put it on the top when the steak is cooked. And after that you prepare the red wine sauce using one bottle of red wine; and let the wine cook for 20 minutes. The wine sauce is then put on top of the steak and the shallots. That’s it. It is very classical.” 
 Bavette de boeuf - Beef flank - ảnh 2
There are some kinds of steak that need nothing more than a little pinch of salt, pepper, and butter to bring out their elegant flavor. Beef Flank steak is not an exception.
 (Source: Pinterest)
A: The recipe is quite simple, hah. I think this could be a perfect example of how French people cook their meal. Impressive, elegant, delicious, and simple to prepare.
B: Well, and this is also a great option for serving a large crowd because the sauce can be prepared earlier, and you need just 2 minutes for grilling each piece of steak before serving. 
A: That’s brilliant, B. But I bet that Geoffrey still has more tips to level up its flavor. Let’s listen. “First, you have some shallots that are not cooked. Usually, I keep half of the shallots, and I cook half, but I mix them together after, just at the last minute. If you don’t do it, you’ll have a nice piece of meat, but all the shallots are cooked. They’re smooth, and lose their taste. Well, for the French, we make it anytime, even when we don’t know what to cook, we can go with the beef flank - the bavette. It’s very quick, just two minutes.”
A: Now I know why French cuisine is praised so much because French people pay so much attention to even the smallest details. 
B: The smell of butter, shallots, and juicy beefy comes together quickly and is ready for any foodie to die for. If you are a true fan of French food, you shouldn’t miss it. Good luck with your cooking and bon appetit. Join us next time on VOV24/7’s Food Delight. For now, good bye. 
