National Day and lessons about the value of freedom

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - On September 2, 1945, following the August Revolution, President Ho Chi Minh solemnly declared Vietnam’s independence. From that moment on, the Vietnamese have been entitled to determine their destiny. 

National Day and lessons about the value of freedom  - ảnh 1 President Ho Chi Minh read the declaration of independence for Vietnam on September 2, 1945 (Photo: Archive)

“A nation undauntedly fought the French yoke of slavery for 80 years. A nation undauntedly sided with the Alliance against Fascism for years. That nation should have freedom! That nation should have independence!” These are quotes from President Ho Chi Minh’s declaration of independence, which was read in the historic Ba Dinh Square 73 years ago. These words were inscribed in the hearts and minds of Vietnamese as they became citizens of an independent nation.

Invincible spirit

The declaration of independence was a milestone in the glorious history of Vietnam, marking a victory in the century-long struggle against feudalism and colonialism.  It gave birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and signaled the imminent establishment of a new social regime, the first worker-peasant government in Southeast Asia. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, the Vietnamese people became the true masters of Vietnam.

Prof.Dr. Phan Xuan Son, a member of the Central Theoretical Council, said the victory of the August Revolution was attributable to the Communist Party of Vietnam’s correct strategy and the people’s wholehearted support. He said: “The Party led us to join the alliance with the anti-fascist democratic camp and we won. We took a consistent stance of cooperation with the allies. We capitalized on the strength of people all social classes, religions, and ethnicities.”

National Day and lessons about the value of freedom  - ảnh 2 Red flags are hung in a small alley in Hanoi's Hoan Kiem district on National Day September 2, 2018 

Value of independence

The aging eye-witnesses are filled with happy memories of the first national day of Vietnam. Lieutenant General Pham Hong Cu, former deputy director of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People’s Army, said that after President Ho Chi Minh read the declaration of independence, he and hundreds of other people simultaneously raised their hands and vowed to safeguard national independence and sovereignty. Mr. Cu said “Hearing the oaths of the organizing board, half a million people shouted out their own oaths. I did it with tears welling up in my eyes. I looked around and saw that all my friends were wiping tears away. Later on we realized that it was an endless happiness. Just a few days before, we didn’t have a country. But today we were citizens of the independent Democratic Republic of Vietnam.”

Colonel Nguyen Trong Ham, former deputy chief of staff of the Capital Military Zone, who was part of the defense personnel of Hanoi Citadel at that time, said only those who suffered slavery like him, could savor the joy of independence: “We lived through different regimes and now we are finding how great independence is. On that independence day, people waved and greeted each other in a festive and friendly atmosphere.”
