All resources mobilized for national development

Hong Van
Chia sẻ
(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly of Vietnam holds its first extraordinary session on Tuesday to discuss four urgent issues to boost economic recovery and development despite the complicated COVID-19 pandemic. 
All resources mobilized for national development   - ảnh 1National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue chairs a Q&A session at the 2nd session of the 15th National Assembly. (VOV/ illustrative photo)

The extraordinary session shows the activeness and responsibility of the National Assembly in law-making to resolve national pressing issues. It’s a premise for the National Assembly to further renovate its organization of meetings to decide national issues.

The National Assembly’s first extraordinary session demonstrates its ability to actively and flexibly adapt to the new situation and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. It also reflects the legislature’s determination to reform its organization and activities.

Thorough preparations to ensure success

After the second session of the 15th National Assembly chaired by National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, the National Assembly Standing Committee and agencies held a number of meetings with the government, administrative agencies, and experts. Extended meetings and in-depth discussions with experts in many sectors have been held. Leaders of the National Assembly and the Standing Committee have repeatedly examined multiple issues that require careful and timely resolution.

In the final days of 2021, the NA Standing Committee debated a draft resolution on fiscal and monetary policies to support the Socio-economic Recovery and Development Program before submitting it to the National Assembly for approval.

NA Secretary General and Chairman of the National Assembly Office Bui Van Cuong said: “We need a policy for economic recovery and development. If a financial and monetary package is adopted early this year, it will boost national growth this year and next year and have impact until the end of the legislative tenure. It’s an urgent task. If we leave it until the next meeting in May, we will be 5 months late.”

All resources reserved for national development

The Constitution of Vietnam stipulates that, in case of necessity, at the request of the President, Prime Minister, National Assembly Standing Committee, or at least one-third of the National Assembly deputies, the National Assembly may hold an extraordinary session in addition to its regular annual session.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a global crisis, forcing all agencies and organizations, including the National Assembly, to change their operating methods, such as holding online meetings to decide urgent issues that arise.

The National Assembly of Vietnam is not an exception. It holds the first extraordinary session to promptly deal with national demand and situation.

Mr. Cuong again: “When there are matters which need to be resolved as soon as possible, the National Assembly may hold an extraordinary session in addition to its regular sessions. The ultimate goal is to serve the people and national development while ensuring institutionalization of the Party's policies and resolutions to avoid stagnancy. It shows the National Assembly's active performance in accordance with the Constitution and the law.”

At the extraordinary session the National Assembly will discuss and adopt one draft law, three draft resolutions, including the resolution on fiscal and monetary policy supporting the national Socio-economic Recovery and Development Program, and a draft investment policy for a project to build the eastern section of the North-South expressway in the 2021-2025 period.
