Ho Chi Minh City develops “Ho Chi Minh Cultural Space”

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(VOVWORLD) - Many agencies and organizations in Ho Chi Minh City have launched an emulation movement to build a “Ho Chi Minh Cultural Space”. The movement aims to promote the cultural and historical values of the city and respond to studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, and lifestyle. 

Ho Chi Minh City develops “Ho Chi Minh Cultural Space”  - ảnh 1A  “Ho Chi Minh Cultural Space” at Chon Duc zen monastery. (Photo: VOV)

A  “Ho Chi Minh Cultural Space” is a place to display statues, photos, documents, and exhibits on President Ho Chi Minh, and to showcase tangible and intangible cultural features of the Vietnamese people. 

A Ho Chi Minh Cultural Space has been opened in District 7, Binh Thanh district, covering 3 themes: tracing President Ho Chi Minh’s footsteps; photos of President Ho Chi Minh; and the President’s teachings to cadres, Party members, and Ho Chi Minh Youth Union members.

“I decorate my working space with photos and sayings of President Ho Chi Minh. I am deeply influenced by President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology and lifestyle, which is simple, modest, and striving,” said  Pham Xuan Son, Deputy Secretary of District 7’s Business Association.

An exhibition featuring President Ho Chi Minh’s life and career was opened online. Using a QR code, visitors can access 160 photos and writings of President Ho Chi Minh, including “Diary in Prison”, “Revolutionary Path”, “Declaration of Independence”, and “Testament”. 

A Ho Chi Minh Cultural Space was also launched at religious establishments in Ho Chi Minh city, displaying documents and books about the life and career of President Ho Chi Minh and his revolutionary activities.

“The monastery has a space to commemorate President Ho Chi Minh. Buddhist followers come here to worship the Buddha and show their gratitude to the President,” said Venerable Thich Huyen Y, the Head of Chon Duc zen monastery.

Every locality in Ho Chi Minh city has created its ownHo Chi Minh Cultural Space. 

“We always bear in mind the teaching of President Ho Chi Minh that ‘Emulation is patriotism, patriotism is emulation’ and hope to spread President Ho Chi Minh’s spirit to people through Ho Chi Minh Cultural Spaces,” said To Thi Bich Chau, Chairwoman of Ho Chi Minh City’s Fatherland Front.
