Family plays important role in national development

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - The 13th National Party Congress resolution sets the national development orientations for the next 10 years, one of which is to develop people comprehensively and nurture an advanced Vietnamese culture deeply imbued with the national identity. The resolution aims to make culture an inner strength and motivation for national development and defence. To achieve that goal, it is essential to promote the role of the family.

Family plays important role in national development - ảnh 1(Photo:

At a conference in October 1959 to draft a law on marriage and family, President Ho Chi Minh said the nucleus of society is the family and great importance should be attached to building good families in order to build socialism. 

Many documents, decrees, and studies have confirmed the important role of the family in developing the nation and preserving its cultural identity. 

The family development strategy of Vietnam to 2020 with a vision to 2030 says its objective is to build “prosperous, progressive, happy Vietnamese families which are loving homes and the healthy cells of society”. 

In a recent study. Professor Dr. Nguyen Huu Minh, Director of the Institute for Family and Gender Studies, said the family plays an important role, not only in the development of each individual, but in preserving cultural identity through generations and is a decisive factor in national development and defence. 

“The family is the foundation of society. Building the family is a decisive factor in the success of renewal and national development. Family tradition and life style are important to the building of each family and developing Vietnamese people,” said Cultural researcher Dr. Nguyen Van Huy.

Family plays important role in national development - ảnh 2A radio show on the values of family in modern time. (Photo: VOV) 

Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ta Quang Dong said the family is the place where cultural values and identities are preserved through generations. The documents of the 13th Party Congress stressed the need to build a national and cultural value system, a standard system of human development aimed at preserving and developing Vietnam family values in the new period. The role and values of the family are put at the centre of Vietnam’s family development strategy to 2030, according Mr. Dong.

“We are working on a strategy to develop the Vietnam family until 2030 with the aim of preserving the traditional family values of piety, faithfulness, and love, along with such values as mutual respect, equality, and sharing," he said. 

"We will launch programs to teach people about morality, family lifestyles, criteria for family building, skills and knowledge needed to build a sustainable family, and the role of the family in industrialization and modernization, with the aim of building a happy society and nation”.
