Ma Lieng ethnic man becomes role model in escaping poverty

Chia sẻ

(VOVWORLD) - Ho Phinh of the Ma Lieng ethnic minority in the central province of Quang Binh was the first in his group to become a Party member and also the first in his commune to escape poverty. Phinh is ready to share his experience to help other local people improve their lives.

Ma Lieng ethnic man becomes role model in escaping poverty - ảnh 1Ho Phinh works on his acacia forest. (Photo: VOV)

Ho Phinh of Lam Hoa commune used to live in poverty. His family of six people lived on nearly 1,500 square meters of rice and other crops. If the crops failed, they lived on State support.

Determined to escape poverty, Phinh researched economic development models. With a loan of 2,100 USD from the social policy bank, he invested in cow and pig breeds and seedlings. After several years, Phinh now owns 5 hectares of forest, many cattle and poultry, and rice fields.

“Life is still difficult, so I have to try my best. I withdrew from the list of poor households so that disadvantaged people would receive more State support. I’m eager to share my experience to help others escape poverty,” said Phinh.

Ho Phinh was the first Ma Lieng person to be admitted to the Party and the first to get off the list of local poor households. 
Ma Lieng ethnic man becomes role model in escaping poverty - ảnh 2Ho Phinh is the first person in Lam Hoa commune to withdraw from the list of local poor households. (Photo: VOV)

When he was appointed Vice Secretary of Ke hamlet’s Party Cell, Phinh did his best to help other locals have a better life. He went house to house, giving people seedlings and cattle, and taught them farming and husbandry methods. A Party member, Phinh is considered a role model in production and poverty reduction.

“Ho Phinh visited every household to instruct and encourage them to develop their production and escape poverty. Over the years, the lives of local people have much improved, thanks to the support of the Party and State. We now have new houses, electricity, and good roads,” said Cao Thi Van, head of Ke hamlet. 

The Ma Lieng started living in Lam Hoa commune in the 1990s. In recent years, active Party members like Ho Phinh have helped more than 150 households in the commune improve their living standard.

“Party member Ho Phinh has a vanguard role in encouraging local people to develop their production and contribute to national defence and security,” said Dinh Van Bac, Vice Secretary of Lam Hoa commune’s Party Committee.

Ho Phinh’s family has been recognized as an outstanding farm household for 5 consecutive years.

