Vietnam opposes US bill on human rights

Chia sẻ
(VOVworld)-A spokesperson for Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry has criticized a US bill on human rights in Vietnam, saying that it contains inaccurate and biased information
(VOVworld)-A spokesperson for Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry has criticized a US bill on human rights in Vietnam, saying that it contains inaccurate and biased information. The US House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday passed a bill that would prevent any increase in non-humanitarian US assistance to Vietnam unless the country makes progress in improving its record on human rights. Spokesperson Luong Thanh Nghi said that Vietnam has gained achievements in ensuring human rights in all aspects, which have been acknowledged by the international community. Mr. Nghi said any differences over the human rights issue should be discussed frankly in a constructive manner and with mutual respect to increase understanding and promote relations between countries. In this spirit, Vietnam has held human rights dialogue with the US.
