Party Central Committee convenes 9th session

Chia sẻ

(VOVworld) - The Communist Party of Vietnam’s Central Committee convened its ninth session on Thursday in Ha Noi.

(VOVworld) - The Communist Party of Vietnam’s Central Committee convened its ninth session on Thursday in Ha Noi.

Party Central Committee convenes 9th session - ảnh 1

The Committee will review the implementation of the Resolution issued at its 5th meeting on promoting Vietnamese culture and national identity, Party election regulations, drafts of documents submitted to the 12th Party Congress, and votes of confidence in line with the Central Committee’s resolution on Party building.
In his opening speech, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong asked delegates to make an in-depth analysis of effects of the penetration of exotic cultures, moral depravity, and an unhealthy lifestyle in a segment of the population. Mr. Trong said, the conference will consider issuing a new resolution on cultural and human development to meet the requirements for rapid and sustainable growth in the new era.

Trong said the 12th Party Congress will be held in early 2016, so careful planning should be done. Delegates will spend much time examining draft political and socio-economic reports to be submitted to the upcoming National Party Congress.

Mr. Trong asked participants to discuss different opinions on Party building. He stressed that the most fundamental principle in Party election rule is that every Party member must abide by the Party rules, follow the Party’s principle of centralized democracy, and help make the Communist Party of Vietnam a well-organized and unified organization.

The delegates will also discuss votes of confidence for leadership and management posts in State, and Party agencies, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and other political and social organizations. Party leader Trong stressed that votes of confidence are essential. He asked participants to review and recommend changes and adjustments to the timing and procedures used to carry out votes of confidence. 
