Many countries oppose UN resolution referring Pyongyang to ICC

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(VOVworld) – North Korea's deputy UN ambassador An Myong Hun has denounced the UN General Assembly’s resolution referring Pyongyang to the International Criminal Court for alleged crimes against humanity.

(VOVworld) – North Korea's deputy UN ambassador An Myong Hun has denounced the UN General Assembly’s resolution referring Pyongyang to the International Criminal Court for alleged crimes against humanity.

Many countries oppose UN resolution referring Pyongyang to ICC  - ảnh 1
North Koreans rejected the first vote to refer their country to the ICC for its poor human rights record [EPA]

Addressing the General Assembly on Thursday, An Myong Hun slammed the resolution as "the product of a political plot and confrontation," based on a "fabricated" report by the commission of inquiry.

He said Pyongyang will not tolerate any attempt to use human rights issues as a tool for overthrowing its social system.

Meanwhile, Cuba, which had led a campaign to strike provisions on the ICC referral from the resolution written by the EU and Japan, said the vote set a dangerous precedent by seeking to punish countries instead of promoting cooperation.

China, Russia, Belarus, Iran, Syria, and Venezuela voted against the resolution.
