Egyptian President orders preparations for lightening giant container ship grounded in Suez Canal

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(VOVWORLD) - President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has ordered preparations for unloading the cargo of the Ever Given, the giant container ship grounded in the Suez Canal, the head of the canal’s authority Osama Rabie said on Sunday.

Egyptian President orders preparations for lightening giant container ship grounded in Suez Canal  - ảnh 1A tugboat attempts to rescue the grounded cargo ship Ever Given in Suez Canal, Egypt, March 26, 2021. Photo: Xinhua/VNA

The Ever Given container ship has been blocking the waterway since Tuesday.

Efforts are currently underway, including towing and pushing the grounding vessel using  tugboats and digging the Ever Given out of the sand.

The Ever Given, carrying the Panama flag, is longer than the total length of four football fields and a payload of nearly 200,000 tons. When entering the Suez Canal from the Red Sea on Tuesday, the ship ran aground. The incident has left trade almost paralyzed through the Suez Canal.
