China hopes Britain remain a major EU member

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(VOVworld) – Chinese President Xi Jinping has told Prime Minister David Cameron that he hopes Britain will remain an important member of the EU.

(VOVworld) – Chinese President Xi Jinping has told Prime Minister David Cameron that he hopes Britain will remain an important member of the EU.


China hopes Britain remain a major EU member - ảnh 1
Chinese President Xi Jinping and British PM David Cameron (Photo:

During talks with Cameron on Friday before ending his four-day trip to Britain, Xin also expressed his hope that Britain can play an even more positive and constructive role in deepening the development of China-EU ties.

Prime Minister David Caremon’s office hasn’t made any comments on Xi’s speech. Cameron maintained his stance on Britain’s membership in the EU in the 2017 referendum if he can implement a series of reforms to improve London’s status in the union.

