A record high number of American children infected with COVID-19

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(VOVWORLD) -More than 207.5 million COVID-19 cases have been recorded worldwide, including nearly 4.37 million deaths according to worldometers.info. 
A record high number of American children infected with COVID-19 - ảnh 1Taking care of children in the time of Covid-19. (Photo: UNICEF)

The United States has recorded more coronavirus infections and deaths than any other country in the world with nearly 640 thousand deaths out of more than 37 million infections, followed by India and Brazil.

The US on Saturday recorded a record high number of children hospitalized for COVID-19 with 1,900 cases. Children under the age of 12 who are not yet eligible for vaccination are more susceptible to infection, especially when the Delta variant is highly contagious. Former President of the American Academy of Pediatrics Sally Goza said this year's COVID pandemic is worse and children are the ones who will be affected.
